Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.  -Celia Thaxter

It’s late August, and my boys are all tucked back in to their school rhythms. 7th, 5th, and 3rd grade this year!

It amazes me, every year around this time, that it really is the start of a new school year. Where did the Summer go? And that’s when I need to count some of my favorite things, from the summer.

So here goes, 10 of my late summer treasures:

  1. My guys, the 4 Kings in my life

boyssweden_071011_-409-1024x680-4971508 2.     writing space, outdoors

My summer writing space

3.     Krásná Žena (Beautiful Dame), Prague, wrapped in her stunning summer beauty

Prague and the Charles Bridge, Summer

4.     a nearby sunflower field

Field of Sunflowers, Czech Republic

5.     the forest for many rough mountain bike rides

6.     a constant stream of garden roses for the table

garden roses

7.     the Alps
8.     poppies 9.     friends, tennis, and the returning fellow expats after their summer away

10.    my finally finished painting of Venice